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I just posted this as an answer to a topic and wanted to share here as well.  It’s a sample of how I work with Data exports.  5m of work :)  


Awesome, really nice job 👌 I have to test this myself. Thanks for sharing.

Btw, I wonder, in your community, there are topic titles named perfectly, to get this reporting done? 😃

I have topic categories for every section of our services and tools, to help find the correct information fast and to segment what you can subscribe to.

I have topic categories for every section of our services and tools, to help find the correct information fast and to segment what you can subscribe to.

Yeah, we to, but there are users who just start topic with title “Help” and that´s about it 😁 But still, I am going to test this kind of sorting data.

Yeah, we to, but there are users who just start topic with title “Help” and that´s about it

It’s a bit offtopic, but what improved the title quality on the communities I’ve been working on (and for), was to alter the default text in the title field to “teach” the user to post a more substantial and meaningful title.

When user don’t follow our advice, we manually change the title and inform the user about the title change in a comment, hoping they (and everyone that is reading) learns from it.

It’s a bit offtopic, but what improved the title quality on the communities I’ve been working on (and for), was to alter the default text in the title field to “teach” the user to post a more substantial and meaningful title.

When user don’t follow our advice, we manually change the title and inform the user about the title change in a comment, hoping they (and everyone that is reading) learns from it.

This is something we do as well. But still title´s they add arent always “good enough” and we have to edit them afterwards.

I think this isn´t OT because this usecase example is related with the topics and titles. I think if titles arent “ok”, does it make this kind of excel sorting and dashboard building difficult?


In that case, I would probably sort by Public Tags column.   That way you can make some sense of a large volume of posts inside the subforum “help” for example.

What we did is we segmented our Help section into the main functions of our platform, creating a map of subforums for every question.

I just realized that Google Sheet is way different than Excel, so it takes more time to build this up using it. For example, I cant find Smart Filters there 😃

I call them smart filters but it is normally called a Pivot Table :)  then I tie the filters to user entry cells.

Hello @juan.delrio, thank you for sharing!
This was the answer to which topic? 🙂 Just for context, so I know what’s the use case

