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A Data Designer Use case

Hello Gainsight Admin Community!

Having the option to see percentages across an entire customer base in reports or combining multiple data sources is one of the most frequently asked requirements we hear from customers.
We are going to calculate the % of customers flagged with risk grouped by segment/industry and CTA type.


To achieve this we often need to combine several data objects from both MDA and Salesforce.

This can be done by designing a simple data designer task and leveraging the dataspace created in the reports. Data Designer gives you the tools to do this, helping you merge and transform data from these disparate data sources to create a Dataset for your further analysis. 

For more information, I suggest reviewing this document: Data Designer Overview


To start building your task, navigate to Administration -> Data Designer ->

Click “New Design”.



Enter the Details:

Note: The name of the design will become the name of the data space created in Data Management in step 4..


H4eo4ru45mTPSJpM4J9R6KOqlXPwrgchBJ1IkfcuvcS-qwjB4LaMOZyjwZS-SZAmdCIcvw-7ZWJNiI8AZKlVUn1QSn6swgn16yx0odh3Ya4R4VrsEgih6OFYstvvpI7UT9Ve2__vOnce you’ve added details, click to the “Preparation” step. 



In the preparation step, you can merge two (or more) different objects to create a new Dataset. If required, you can Transform a dataset and apply Filters, Formulas, Case Expressions, and more! 

Let us now go step by step  to pull our data sources together! 


Select data source as Matrix data and object as Activity Timeline. Drag and drop the Activity Timeline object from the list to the canvas screen. Select the required fields you want to add and modify the Display name of the field to draw insights. 

Include the filter Context Id as CTA since we are interested in merging the CTA’s Timeline activities to the CTA object in our next coming steps




Fetch the recent CTA timeline entry - Group by Context Id and aggregate Maximum of the Activity Date.



STEP 3 :

Merge the above two data sets 

Perform an inner join of both Activity Timeline and Find Max Activity date datasets which will retain the common data of both datasets. This way we are able to bring in the most recent activity update of CTA type.

After the merge the flow diagram should look something like this




Drag and drop Call To Action object. Select all the required fields and save the dataset.



Now combining all CTA level timeline activities with corresponding CTA details.



Merge the dataset  Find Most Recent Activity Update  with the Call To Action dataset

An inner join again which results in mapping the CTA details



STEP 5 :

Now make the data source to  Matrix data then drag and drop Company object from the list. We are pulling this dataset so that we have the company specific fields like ARR,Segment,Industry, Renewal date in our final dataset.

Select all the fields you want to have in the final dataset.


Now merge the company dataset with the CTA details data set.

Perform an inner join with account id



We are done with the preparation step!

The final datasets should look something like this6Ann7ABlOV3o-ufyms9yDtzuFlGvT6JZd7eovydojNnX3PD8-q1MEt78-jKAe7IzZLGRHOLKO1tSxpe6eYfnIB8CJZ4zvkFSaK2p5W4duVKXt7owr6XxbQGN6LQenNNUQ8UvC2Z3



 Once you prepare an output dataset in the Preparation tab, and navigate to the Analysis tab, you can see the following image. Click Run Now to associate a dataset with the design, and you can see that the Dataset is being prepared for analysis.

But this step will not let the dataspace to be available across Gainsight.So for now skip this step and move to the next step.



 Check the option to make the resultant dataspace permanent across Gainsight.



Now come back to the list and click on run now on the data designer task you have just created.




Once the Refresh is completed, you will receive an execution status email. And, the dataset with the name “Risk Status of Customers” (Data designer task name) is now available across gainsight and you can pull this dataspace in Rules and Reports.




Now pull this dataspace into a report and If everything looks good, you can schedule the data designer task (You can find that in the CONFIGURE step). We recommend running this task daily.

We can build reports on the object that has been created as part of the data designer configuration.

Here I have built a report to show % of flagged risk customers.



And pull out the fields to show me and group by section.

Keep appropriate filters like flagged = true , segments you want to include and other filters.

Here in this report I’m counting the number of sfdc accounts and grouping them by Segment and CTA type which will give me percentage of Risk and No Risk customers segment wise.

Choose a stacked column view of data and save the report.

Woah! You are done.



Hope this post is helpful!

Happy Gainsighting :)

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@shivani Thanks for sharing this here!

HI @shivani thanks for sharing this. Why do you aggregate Maximum of the Activity Date? Is there a way to group by activity week within the first steps of a data designer? We’re looking at trying to see the number of proactive vs reactive calls our CSMs have but we need to be able to group the call dates by week. 
