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Accounts without sponsors

  • 26 February 2019
  • 1 reply

Is there a way to pull a report of accounts that do NOT have any sponsors? (Sponsor Tracking)

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +2
Hi Jessica,

You can't do this in a simple report, as the SponsorTracking object would only have records for Accounts that have a tracked sponsor.

One way to solve for this would be to build a bionic rule that would aggregate (count) the number of contacts in the SponsorTracking object - so that you'd get a numerical value for each Account and then merge that data with all of your Accounts. Any accounts that have a tracked sponsor would have a numerical value >0 while any that do not will have a null value for that aggregation.

You can then run this report as a test and then view the execution results to download the data (equivalent of running a report to get this exported data):
