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I'm wondering if I'm the only one having this issue (on Chrome on a Macbook), because I would have thought it would have been posted here by now, if not.

On the Advanced Outreach Details/Model screen, the Save/Cancel buttons are out of the browser view when I am viewing browser at Actual Size - whether in Full Screen Mode or not.  

If I zoom out 4 or 5 times I can finally see it, but then my screen text is super tiny

Anyone else have this issue? 

Can the fields get moved up closer to the action at the top of the screen?
I have noticed the display window struggles adjusting to fit the screen size. When I move a window from my laptop screen to my external screen, the content only fills half the page. Then when I move a window from my external screen to my laptop screen, it cuts off the bottom and side which makes it look a lot like what you're experiencing, Jeff. I wonder if these issues are related.

I haven't posted anything about this yet because I can usually fix it just by refreshing the webpage.
I am not seeing the exact issue Jeff, but I do see the odd things Britton mentioned. Again, a refresh works for me.
Thanks! Refreshes don’t seem to work for me.
Hi Jeff, I recently started going through all of the pending questions. Was checking to see if this is solved? 

Please let us know if the issue still exists.
Hi All, I see this is working as expected, so closing the issue. I've tested this in both the OS(Windows & MAC) and browsers.

Let us know if you still face the issue.

@darkknight Hope this issue is closed and closing the posting. Thanks!
