
Blank Emails being sent with Share Via Email

  • 20 March 2024
  • 3 replies

Twice now I have taken a Milestone entry and clicked the 3 dots to Share Via Email-composed an email off of the timeline entry (modified it a bit and added some additional details) and when I click SEND EMAIL the email is blank.  




How and why does this happen?

3 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hi Nikole,

My name is Dan and I’m the JO Admin at Gainsight -- this is an example of email security based email sanitization. The message you displayed (assuming that’s from Outlook) indicates that an email security rule was triggered due to something in the email.

I was able to find your Prod NXT tenant ID, so I checked your tenant settings in Sendgrid -- this is where we setup send aliases for outbound email from Gainsight. It doesn’t look like there is a send alias setup for your instance, so there is a mismatch between Sender and Sending domains (there is an email header element called “Mailed-by” -- In the example you provided (and in the JO test email I sent from your prod instance) both show the same thing → Mailed-By = This confirms that there is a Sender/Sending domain mismatch in your instance.  

The solution for this is to get a Sendgrid Sender Auth/Alias/Whitelabel setup.. I didn’t see one setup for your prod instance, so I mocked up a tentative setup for 

I’ll follow up with your Enterprise Support POC - Brendan Bovaconti so he is aware of this. We should probably transition this conversation over to a Support ticket for papertrail purposes. Make sure this community post URL is added to the initial ticket explanation. 

Email Example

Video Recap 


Hope that helps,

Dan Wiegert

CS Ops & Scale - JO Admin | gainsight

@dan_wiegert I will create a support ticket but why does it sometimes work and sometimes not?  I have been sending emails through gainsight on and off and this is the 2nd one that has turned up blank.  It’s blank in Gainsight and blank in my email (which is Gmail).  

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

I would be totally guessing regarding why this inconsistently works, I typically like to try and recreate a scenario and get a recording ,are you seeing the same thing if you mock up an email assist?  I opened tkt 306649 for you and assigned it to Brendan, but he confirmed you had already opened one. he’ll merge your ticket into mine and go from there. Also, I’m going to delete cloned program I used for my personal test (gotta make it like I was never there) 

I setup a report in your instance called “GS TEST - Non-Program email activity for Nikole Burke”.. this shows all of your EA/FromTimeline/GS Assist activity, and could be scaled up to show ALL non-program email activity. I use this same reporting approach in my email research reporting suite. 

I’ve synced with Brendan - he’ll take it from here and I’ll check the ticket as well. My apologies for not being able to explain the sporadic nature of what you’re experiencing, but I still think getting the send alias resolved will fix the situation overall. 



