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Can you make edits to the Cheat Sheet?

To my knowledge, you cannot edit Cheat Sheet.

You can, however, click a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down to register your opinion on any particular part of the summary. And you can add User Notes to detail something the summary missed or otherwise mis-interpreted.


Oh ok.  Thank you for confirming…  A CSM asked if there was a way to change what text was captured, but you’re saying they can’t change anything & can just add it to notes section?  I just want to make sure I fully understand:)

Thanks @matthew_lind ! 

You’re on exactly the right track.

There’s no changing the inputs (which are primarily your Timeline entries) nor the outputs. You do get to augment the outputs with thumbs up/down and the additional notes.

Good luck….I’m super curious how Cheat Sheet is having impact.
