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We have a status for "Customer Action." I'd like to trigger a CTA to a CSM or CSM manager if the original CTA sits in Customer Action for longer than X days. Is this possible?
I imagine you could create a custom date field on the CTA object, and then use a Salesforce Workflow/Process to update it when the Status on the CTA is changed.

Then, you would create a Rule where, in the "Setup Rule" step, you look for CTA records where the Status = "Customer Action" and the date field is a certain number of days ago. I'm not sure, though, if Account ID would be available as a field to draw in. If not, you could create a Data Space based on the CTA object to pull in the Account ID.

Instead of creating a CTA based on that custom date field, of course, you could always take the approach of an Exception Report instead, or even generating a health score metric based on "overdue actions". In our experience, our CSMs have been more responsive to CTAs that fall in the category of "tell me something I don't know", rather than "remind me of something I need to do".
