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When adding fields to the Detail view layout configuration

for CTAs, is it possible to rearrange the order of the fields? Or do you have

to delete them all and re-add them in the order you want them?

Don't believe the order is adjustable today. We are planning to fix this, though, as part of Cockpit admin updates post-Nov.
Manu - Do you have an update on this functionality? Seems like we really should have this as it requires users to delete and re-add fields in order to re-order them.
Also looking for an update. 

I want to add one field in it's own group to the Call To Action tab for all my CTAs.  Unfortunately, I want it to be above the group of fields I already have there.  I have 6 global CTA types and 3 Relationship CTA types.  Below is a screen share of me removing all my current fields, adding the new group and field and then adding back the previous group and fields.  Now realize I have to do this 9 times because I have 9 CTA types.

This is such a waste of my time for what seems like such a simple fix.  We're able to drag and drop everywhere else in the application.  Also, this leaves so much room for error since I am manually adding back fields 9 different times.

@manu_mittal Any update on being able to drag and drop fields or sections to reorder the CTA layout configuration?

@rakesh do we have an updated take on this thread?

@jenniferpa We already have this capability in the NXT edition. We don’t have any immediate plans to support this in the Salesforce Edition.

Thank you, @sriram pasupathi .  Another improvement to look forward to when we migrate next year 🙂.
