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How to store CTA Timeline entries into a linked SFDC object (e.g. Case) and visa versa - how to store Case Tasks (Activities) as Timelines into case related CTA
Hi Gidon,

Just so that I understand your use-case - Do you want to bring in SFDC case activities to Gainsight Timeline or push Gainsight Timeline activities to SFDC Case object?


@Nitisha - I spoke with Gidon about this use case. He/they would like the option to sync Timeline activities to SFDC Cases (or perhaps even other SFDC objects), in addition to writing to the Account Activity (Task or Event type) History.

@gidon_payenson @tanya_strauss is it possible to sync Salesforce cases to the timeline? 

I see GS now allows for associated objects on timeline activities, but for that the CSM would still have to manually associate them. 

I thought about using rules, but that is not possible either :(

Did you find an alternative solution? 
