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I am trying to make similar CTA dashboards for our section

managers as we have on the manager and rep level. The rep reports are based on Owner

ID = Current User and on the manager reports are based off of My Direct Report

= Yes. I have tried hard coding the managers in the filter logic and was hoping

to have reports Sort By one of our manager fields. This way when the Section

Manager is looking at the report they see a column for each one of their

managers instead of every rep that reports to one of their managers. I keep

getting an error message saying I "cannot drop this field into group by fields". Any suggestions for report

building for section managers?

Hi Martha, Thank for your post. 

Am I following correctly that you are creating a different dashboard for each section manager and applying custom filter to filter by each manager that reports to the section manager? 

Can you also please elaborate on the when and which field do you get the error '"cannot drop this field into group by fields'. Is it during a sort of group by. 


Hi Gaurav,

Ideally, I would want to create one dashboard at the section manager level. On the manager level I use the filter "My Direct Report" so the dashboard can be used by all the managers. I tried replicating the dash and grouping by account owner's manager or other like fields. I was able to make similar dashboards in Salesforce for the Section Managers with an Accounts with Calls To Action report type. 
