
Do merged accounts keep timeline entries?

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If a Salesforce account records are merged, are the timeline entries from both accounts kept? I don't think it's possible yet to reassign account IDs to timeline entries via rules or some other sort of migration tool, and not quite sure what would happen.

We're going through the process de-duping SFDC accounts. I know we can merge Customer Info records via Data Anomalies, but haven't seen what happens to the timeline entries. 

It'd be a bummer to have to manually recreate entries from one account to the another. 

11 replies

Ha! I just found this out the hard way. Yes and No.  We had 3 accounts merged into one and I was not notified in advance. All the timeline entries were no longer visible in the timeline of the new account. The entries are still kept in the MDA, however. I ran a report to grab all the timeline entries from the old accounts and sent it to support and they were able to load it to the new merged account. So, it's all back now. 

Userlevel 7
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If you submit a support case, our support team can get the merged data correctly remapped for you. 
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this is great info/background to know– thanks for sharing!
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Thanks, Dan! Good to know.
Userlevel 5
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Hey Dan - So, if we have like 4 accounts that we need to could merge them and keep all the information? Timeline & CTA information?
Userlevel 7
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That's correct Sagan. 
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Is this something on the roadmap for 'Data Anomalies'? With over 25K customers and merges happening from our Sales team, we could easily miss that an account has been merged and needs to be updated. 
Userlevel 5
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As always Dan, you're amazing. Thank you! I'll start getting those accounts put together for the amazing Support team!

A year old, but wanted to echo @samantha_braastad ‘s question. Do I still have to send in a support ticket, or does Data Anomalies now handle this from end-to-end?

@dan_ahrens Wondering if you are able to weigh in on my last comment. Thanks!

Userlevel 7
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Hi all, there’s a new feature from the June release called Company Merge which allows you to merge two companies into one and keep all of the Gainsight data. 


More details here:
