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When creating follow-up outreaches, the power list options are "clicked", "not clicked", "opened" and "not opened".

If you don't realize the nuance of this, you assume that "not clicked" would by default include "not opened" because you can't click a link if it is not opened.

It would be great if there was an option for "not clicked" and "not open" combined.
Having not used the follow-up outreach feature before, this default behavior caught me off guard.  My intention was to send a reminder to everyone who did not click a link which logically should include everyone who did not open the email.

To resolve: once created, you can edit the followup powerlist filters.  For this example we want to edit "Email Logs::Opened equals 1" or remove it altogether.  *** be careful because once you remove one of these filters in a followup powerlist you can't add it back ***

Helpful post, thanks Lane!
