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EVOLVE with Gainsight - October 6, 2022


For those joining EVOLVE with Gainsight, our Product Launch Series event, happening on October 6th, 2022, this page will be the go-to place for any comments or questions.

Our product team will monitor this thread and reply to every question you have.

We’ll also share the post-event survey once the event concludes to continue to improve our product launch events.

11 replies

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 56 replies
  • October 6, 2022

I’m wondering about the use case for the In-App Engagement and Nucleus. I am a Gainsight Admin for my company and I can see use cases to utilize these features within our Gainsight CS instance. Is this possible or is it only meant for the PX product to be used in our applications?

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 2 replies
  • October 6, 2022

If you were to edit the program/the template itself rather (journey orchestrator), what's the easiest way to go about doing it?   Currently, every minor edit we have had to make takes a long time to rerun/apply to the program.

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 56 replies
  • October 6, 2022

For Pooled CSM assignments, we have our account permissions on lockdown so only a user assigned to the account can see the details. Since the pooled model only applies to CTAs, how would I need to adjust my permissions to allow a user access to the account based on the CTA owner?


  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 1 reply
  • October 6, 2022

Hi Product team - 

In a Journey Orchestrator Advanced Program for a 3-4 email chain setup: is there a way a customer can exit/be removed from the program if they interact with us after the 1st or 2nd email within the chain? So they don't stay in the program for all 4 emails?

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 2 replies
  • October 6, 2022

For pooled work assignments, can we BCC to timeline the CSM group? So that requests coming from emails in Outlook can be logged in GS immediately, and from there, CTAs can be assigned to the pooled group in GS.

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 56 replies
  • October 6, 2022

Is there more documentation on the use cases of Customer Goals vs Success Plans? I got the below response in the meeting chat “Success Plans are tactical tools to align work and actions required to achieve specific goals while Customer Goals is the larger strategic tool to align teams around a customer's overarching desired outcomes and Success Plans can be a part of a Customer Goal.” We use standard CTAs as the tactical tool to align work and actions and the Success Plan is the strategic tool. I like the idea of Customer Goals but not sure how to work it into our instance. Is there more documentation on Goals?

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 56 replies
  • October 6, 2022

Can you confirm if a sales person has a Salesforce license but is an internal collaborator in Gainsight they still wouldn’t be able to see Customer Goals even if we synced it with the Account Plan object in Salesforce?


  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 8 replies
  • October 7, 2022

Could you provide the documentations for Pooled work assignments, Product Enhancement Request and Success Snapshot? Can’t seem to find it online.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 8 replies
  • October 7, 2022

What does the release timeline look like for all the features mentioned in EVOLVE?

Anil Raj Pujari
jkolle wrote:

Can you confirm if a sales person has a Salesforce license but is an internal collaborator in Gainsight they still wouldn’t be able to see Customer Goals even if we synced it with the Account Plan object in Salesforce?


Customer Goals is a section on standard NXT account/opportunity widget or custom widget in Salesforce. These widgets are accessible to users with license “viewer” and above. Hence viewer license is required to access Customer Goals in Salesforce

Anil Raj Pujari
jkolle wrote:

Is there more documentation on the use cases of Customer Goals vs Success Plans? I got the below response in the meeting chat “Success Plans are tactical tools to align work and actions required to achieve specific goals while Customer Goals is the larger strategic tool to align teams around a customer's overarching desired outcomes and Success Plans can be a part of a Customer Goal.” We use standard CTAs as the tactical tool to align work and actions and the Success Plan is the strategic tool. I like the idea of Customer Goals but not sure how to work it into our instance. Is there more documentation on Goals?

The documentations will be available soon. But I will try to explain the purpose of Customer Goals and Success plans going forward.

Information on customer objectives/goals is siloed inside success plans created by different CSMs/team/department. But realising customer’s goal is a collaborative effort. Teams across the organization need the visibility of goals customer is trying to achieve and how their work affects these goals. To make customer obsession an organization wide initiative the goals have to be collectively tracked in a centralised location. 

This is where “customer goals” comes in. It enables all teams to collectively capture & track goals from a dedicated page in C360. Allows CSMs to prioritise and plan work on the goals. Empowers sales to showcase outcomes realised to customer and hence the value delivered.

More importantly tracking objectives in customer goals section opens up success plan for more tactical project management use cases such as onboarding, adoption or account planning. Many customers already leverage success plans for these use cases. One of the immediate roadmap feature supporting this direction is capturing/tracking multiple CTA types in success plan (other than objective CTA type). 

Though going forward overarching goals of the customer can be tracked from the customer goals section in C360, user can continue tracking goals local to success plan through objective CTA type



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