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I’m trying to export in reports 2.0 all of our reports along with some attributes, such as ‘used in’ field, created by, created date, etc.

The report list UI does not allow export, and analyzer allows export but doesn’t allow to add the fields I care to see, such as ‘used in’. We are in NXT so I don’t think data loader would work either.

How do I go about exporting the report list without opening a GS ticket.

Thank you,


Hello !! Greetings from Gainsight. 

Could you please let us know if you need the list of reports from the reporting 2.0 as per the below fields? 

  • Report Name

  • Description

  • Folder Name

  • Created By

  • Created Date

  • Modified Date

  • Used In

  • Source Object

    Do let us know if you want this in a different format/include any other fields.

@jivanova , you may share here or DM @kdamera, from the support team, the above details 

Hi Kiran,

Yes, I think I pretty much want all report attributes mentioned above, plus the last time the report ran, if possible. It would help us with clean-up efforts and migration to HA or any other GS initiated migration where reports need to be validated. 

Thank you,


Hello @jivanova I have created a request on your behalf to get the desired list as requested from your end. I will keep you posted and will confirm once it is completed from our end and will share it directly with you personally on your official email address.


@anirbandutta Thanks for co-ordinating here!!!


Thank you,

Kiran Damera

L1 Support

Hello @jivanova !!! When our team tried to create a report as per your request, they were seeing some errors. Could you confirm if any additional IP restrictions were placed within your Salesforce instance?

Hello @jivanova Could you please provide a response on the query placed below, which I has placed earlier last week? I am putting it down below as well.

When our team tried to create a report as per your request, they were seeing some errors. Could you confirm if any additional IP restrictions were placed within your Salesforce instance?

Hi Kiran,

Can you, please clarify the question? How can I find out if IP restrictions were placed?




Hello @jivanova You can check with your IT team on this regard. They can confirm on it and you can let us know about it.

Hi Kiran,

I’m hesitant to go to our IT department to simply ask them if they placed restrictions on some IP addresses to export reports from Gainsight. What IP addresses by the way? Is this related to GS technical team needing access to our GS instance?

Could someone with a company (athena) laptop try to export this report? We restrict SF and GS access of course to technical support at Gainsight. This thread was about creating capability for admins (like myself) to export the list by ourselves. 





Hello @jivanova I have reached out to my internal team and i am waiting for their response. Coming to the second part, where you wanted to know if it’s possible to pull the report by yourself, it is currently not possible from your end, which is why i asked for a request from our data team.

Hello @jivanova I have sent out the export list to your official email address i.e. Please do let us know if that helps and resolves the request.



Kiran D
L1 Support
