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We have run into issues within the last 24 hours sending emails via Gainsight and getting the following errors - “Failed to send email via 3rd party” and “Unable

to process the request”

Could quite possibly be an issue on our side, but has anyone else run into this error before?  Searched community and came up with nothing.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Steve,

Was this issue resolved? If not, please raise a support ticket for the same and the team will look into it.


Abhishek S
Abhishek, was this ever raised as a support ticket? We are frequently getting the "Unable to process the request" error message. It takes our users multiple times of trying to send an email assist out for it to actually go through. We cant figure out why this error shows up sometimes and other times it doesnt. I can put in a support ticket if there has not been any other movement on this. Thanks!
Hi Colleen, I'm not sure how Steve's original issue was resolved. Can you please contact if you haven't already? Thanks!
