
Has anybody ever tried calculating a score for questions not presented, based upon other questions answered?

  • 11 February 2024
  • 0 replies

We do a cascading survey, whereby depending on the answer to a single question we either will skip a question, or present it. We do this with a survey that has both CSAT and CES questions in it, essentially asking how satisfying the product (or service) experience was… If they give a 5 on a 1-5 scale, we skip the detailed CES questions, otherwise we present the detailed CES questions.

What I want to do for the CSAT responses that scored us a 5, I want to default the detailed CES questions to a five, based upon the philosophy that if a customer is totally (completely) satisfied with a product or service experience, then that means that their effort scores would be a 5 also.

So, hence my question re calculating a score for an un-asked question, based upon a broader asked question. 

As a follow-on question, is there a manual way to do what Gainsight does for CSAT or NPS questions, for CES questions? I don’t like hitting customers with too many surveys, especially when CSAT and CES are believed to be related in some segments of our CS world. Any thoughts?

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