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Hey folks!

We implemented a post-renewal survey this quarter that includes questions about their satisfaction with our renewal process and the rep assigned to their renewal. Given this, I am attempting to build personalized reports to share with the reps to share survey scores associated with the renewals they owned.

However, I am struggling with how to pull in the owner of the Opp into the space. My thought was that I could pull it as a token into the post-renewal survey, and then pull it into the data space, but not sure if that is possible. 

Worst case scenario, I will submit a ticket to Ops to add a formula field, but that is not ideal. 

Any bright ideas?

Hi Ben.  This is a great use case.  It seems to me that we should be able to use the Survey Link feature but to be honest I haven't been able to track through exactly how you would set up the data space/report afterwards.   I will ask the team to help. 
Thanks Karl!
