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How to IFRAME Gainsight into a website (not Salesforce)?

  • 10 February 2021
  • 5 replies

I want to embed the Gainsight C360 widget into our own internal website (not Salesforce). Is this possible and any direction would be helpful. Thanks.

@sfbrophy Thanks for raising your request. As per my knowledge this is not possible, but let me give a try with the product team for any workaround. 

@sfbrophy you could try to use the SFDC iframe code from the Gainsight managed package and just embed that. I’ve done that in reverse to find the link (for example, Marketo Sales Insights) in order to embed into Gainsight and it’s worked. Should work backwards too...

End Proctoring-

@gunjanm awesome, thanks for your inputs!

@sfbrophy please give a try with the inputs posted by @gunjanm and please let us know if you still need a help here. 

You can absolutely embed Gainsight360 into any website as an iframe, we do support that. 

So if you take a Customer 360 URL and embed it as it for example


Then it wont be rendered as a Gainsight Widget’s look and feel that you see in SFDC Account layout, To make it look same as that you need to add some extra parameters to the URL..


Example of the URL -


There are 4 parameters in the URL when added you will see the embedded 360 in iframe looks just as the Widget. 


  1. isNativeWidget = true
  2. height = 1000 (To adjust the height of the widget, based on your requirement)
  3. showSideNav = false
  4. showHeader = false

If you have any more concerns, I will be happy to join you over a call to assist you. @sai_ram can help facilitate that. 

@azhar_uddin this worked beautifully — thanks!
