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We want to add the data from our Utilization Drop Rule to our Scorecard…  What’s the best way to do that?


Hi @MelissaC 

It all really depends on what your data looks like, what your scorecard looks like too (RYG, 0-100, grades), and what’s the intent in including that? Identifying a risk of churn?

What product utilization measures do you have today in your scorecard? How are your measures grouped - what measure groups do you use?

Drop in utilization is by essence an indicator that something is not right, meaning that it will always tend towards a red (maybe more or less red depending on your data and your intent). I would think it’d be interesting to understand what’s the opposite of a drop in utilization so you can determine what’s a red, what’s a green, and what’s in between. Is the opposite an increase? Or is it an absence of drop in utilization?

If you can share more info, we can provide more guidance or at least prompts to consider.

Hope this helps,

