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Hi Team,

One of the user suggested Gainsight to provide some helpful error messages rather than some generic errors. They see this error message “Failed to load preview for the participants. Please try again.”


But, when checked in network logs, the issue was caused by the mapped participant’s company ID not resolving.

Ask from Gainsight: It would be good if we provide some related error message more or less similar to what we see in network logs or why it is failing.


Thank You.

This would be helpful in several areas: Rules Engine, Data Designer, Report Builder, Dashboard Builder. 

Bringing this to your radar @PavanCh 

I received an error in the query log that was unclear. It turned out to be a “reserved field”. Error in the log was: 

Message: SYSTEM ERROR: IllegalArgumentException: Can not set org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.reader.FieldReader field to org.apache.drill.exec.expr.holders.VarCharHolder lError Id: f8f8bec7-c190-422b-b993-9ae393c6d400 on ip-10-0-163-22.ec2.internal:31010], Records: -1
