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Allow synced tasks to be viewable by all non-Gainsight users

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  • alizee
  • gshukla
  • laura.porcincula
  • fmedrano

I searched, but I don't find this specific item referenced anywhere.  

I'm on my second GS rollout, but this is the first time I've ever used the "sync to Salesforce" on CTA tasks.

My expectation was that we could use this task sync mechanism so that Sales/PS and other teams without access to Gainsight could have visibility into activites that CSMs are performing on behalf of the account. 

I just learned from Gainsight L2 Support that non-Gainsight users can only see synced tasks that are assigned to them. 

To be fair, I can see now that the documentation states:  "For the users who have a valid 'Salesforce' or 'Salesforce Platform' license with no access to Gainsight, if a task is created in Gainsight and assigned to that user, then the user can access the task in Salesforce. However, these users cannot see the CTA details in Salesforce and they do not receive any notifications on assigning the tasks."

However, I originally understood this to mean that only the assigned user can edit/update that task in SF.  I didn't understand it to mean that only the assigned user can SEE it.

I find that difficult to swallow because SF users can see other, SF-created tasks that weren't created by or assigned to them - so why does Gainsight apparently restrict it?   

The only apparent resolution is to assign the JBCXM_GS_Permission set to EVERY SF user, but I don't know to what else that opens them up.

Can Gainsight adjust this so that all SF users who have access to view activities on the SF Account have the ability to view all synced tasks, regardless of assignee?

4 replies

  • Author
  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1979 replies
  • August 8, 2018
I assume the same applies to Timeline activities that are being synced over as Events?

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 78 replies
  • August 8, 2018
I agree here Jeff, would make sense that no permission is needed.

  • Author
  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1979 replies
  • August 10, 2018
Here is the response I received from support:

[i]"Honestly, we should not give such permissions for non gainsight users, but per your needs this has been suggested as a workaround.

[i]The best way to do this is, clone the JBCXM permission set and unchecked all the permissions except Call to action and task object. Also make sure that you just give the view access, do not give modify all permissions.

[i]As per the timeline tasks that are synced to SFDC, those tasks will not have any reference linked to it, hence no permission sets are required to view those tasks/events.

So it doesn't make any difference whether JBCXM is applied or not, activity timelines synced to SFDC can be viewed as they do not hold any reference ID"

I don't agree with the comment that "we should not give such permissions for non-gainsight users" because while, yes, it's a great way to assign tasks to individuals who don't have access to Gainsight, there is a vital, valuable use case here to give all SF users visibility into what is being done in Gainsight.  It's called transparency.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 229 replies
  • August 14, 2018
Agree! We are in a constant struggle to keep information visible to all of our org without giving Sales and other teams yet another tool to use. Gainsight is set-up specifically for the needs of our CSM's. If only the 'Sales Widget' was affordable to allow more visibility 🙂


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