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Looking for a data dictionary or listing of field names and source ojects

  • 23 February 2016
  • 3 replies

Does this exist? We're building reports on Scorecard and Success Plan data and are having to hunt for fields in the report builder. A data dictionary would come in [i]very handy.
Hello Sarah - 

Fastest way I know to get a full listing of Gainsight fields and source objects is to do a copy/paste into an Excel spreadsheet from a listing of components.  Then you can sort, get rid of or move what you don't need to another sheet, and work from your list.  I've got screenshots walking you through it below:

First, in SFDC Admin menus, go to the "Installed Packages" link, then select the Gainsight app by clicking on the Package Name itself (not the Configure or Manage Licenses link):

Then, select View Components:

This takes you to the listing of package components - it's about a mile long, since it includes ALL components - fields, object, VisualForce pages, etc.  NOTE: It doesn't show the any fields you may have added to the objects, just those installed with Gainsight.  

So, copy the entire table clicking the mouse, holding and dragging down, and CTRL-C for copy:

Paste into a new spreadsheet: MATCH DESTINATION FORMATTING so you get a clean paste:

Now you've got a list of everything. Add headers the 3 columns, then I usually sort and move the Custom Field listing to another sheet so I don't have the VisualForce pages, layouts, etc. cluttering up the list.  Hope that helps!

Thank you! Just did this and it's very helpful.
Glad it got the job done - happy to help!
