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We are heavy JO users and are only increasing the number of emails and participants in our programs month over month. Historically, we’ve managed our hard bounces by triggering a CTA to the CSM to either confirm the email is valid and should be removed from the bounce list to attempt to send future emails, or fix email typos/mark contacts as ‘no longer with the company’ if either of those apply. This is quickly becoming unscalable. We don’t want to just stop addressing those that have bounced, because we do often find valid emails that have bounced for one reason or another and we want to make sure our customers continue to receive our communications. How have others managed the hard bounces to stay on top of these bounces but not overwhelm CSMs with administrative tasks?

@katie_b I’ve used the CTA before as well.  So other ideas:

  • You just add a report of hard bounces on a dashboard that they can review at their leisure
  • You could build checking the hard bounces into another existing CTA like EBR, etc. It could be a part of contact hygiene.

Hello @katie_b @heather_hansen 
Does a OOB bounce list would be helpful where you can filter by company?

I think so.  

Hello @heather_hansen 
We are coming up with OOB bounce list.This should help to understand who is part of bounce list.
