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Hi everyone!

I’m coming back to you again, are we able to map multiple account name tokens in one email in JO within the same column in the csv? e.g. a CSM has account x, y, and z and they are eligible for that communication. 

The CSV should contain the same fields but there could be duplicates since the Account Names could vary. 

Additionally to this, let’s say we have different CSMs who can have only one Account or even 3 or 5, this could affect the templates. Would we need email versions to match the templates with the # of Accounts?


Any ideas on this are highly appreciated! :D



Hey Melany! Can you expand your question a bit? Still not quite sure what you’re looking to accomplish and why. Are these emails being sent to a customer, or to the CSM?

@sarahmiracle Hey Sarah, thanks for replying! These are emails for internal CSMs. We need to send a communication to CSMs but within the same email template we need to mention their Account Names, it could be only one Account or more than 4 Accounts. When tokenizing the Accounts, unfortunately the Account gets duplicated but the CSV contains duplicate CSM emails with different Account Names.

For example: let’s say you are in charge of 3 accounts (Gainsight, Meta, Adobe), in the email template when tokenizing the company name, we only get Gainsight 3 times but we need it shows Meta and Adobe as well. Does it make sense?

I’m wondering if we should need to use email versions for this, however, we need to send only one email per CSM.

Super helpful. Here’s some thoughts: 

we need to send only one email per CSM.


This is what’s going to be the sticky issue. Your CSV rows represents 1 row per participant, which also means each row represents an email sent (if you’re only sending 1 as part of the program). If you’re looking to “group by” your CSM value, for example, you’ll need to get creative for how to list values that have multiple per CSM.


Here are some options:

  1. If you know the max number of accounts for the CSMs, then split your accounts into columns and then in your email template, have 4 tokens, one for each account. Map Account 1 > Account 1 token, Account 2 > Account 2 on and so forth. For the CSMs where they only have 1 Account (like Spencer, in my example), this just means that his email will have a couple of blank lines or blank tokens in it. It may look funny, but it’s one way to accomplish what you’re looking for.


  1. A third option could be to just combine your accounts into one column and have them comma or semi-colon separated. Like this:
  1. You could consider building a report and inserting the report in the email. The report could be for the account(s) you are already planning to include in the email. Then your users will see the account(s) listed that are relevant to them. Map the User GSID to a filter in the report when configuring the report in the JO “Send Email” step to ensure the user sees the report that is filtered to them. Though, you might need to change your type of participant source for this to Query Builder. I’m not sure if CSV + inline report is possible.

For referencing the # of accounts, if you continue forward with the CSV route, I would just have a column for each participant with the “Total Accounts” and then tokenize it. Like this:



To identify the best solution, consider your use case and purpose for sending the email.

  • What is the email looking to get across?
  • How can you make it as easy as possible for the user to understand?

Hi @sarahmiracle - Appreciate it! You gave some ideas on how to solve it. Thaaanks :D
