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We have a rule that is supposed to sync a multi-select field on the company object to a corresponding field in SFDC on the accounts, yet we keep getting the below error:

INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST:bad value for restricted picklist field


I confirmed the mapping is correct and all the potential options are available in SFDC so why is it continuing to fail?

@andreammelde - I’m not sure but do you happen to use any field validation in Salesforce? I’ve seen this error before and it was related to that for a text field. 



Hi @andreammelde 

Just want to know both the fields(Source field and Target field) are Multi-Select Picklist Data Types.

And if we want to map any picklist fields both the source and target field API Names should be same.



@andreammelde my support team are experts in handling these issues, I am redirecting this to them. Thanks!
