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Need help troubleshooting a rule error message: Custom field contains Invalid value {null} for EMAIL data type

  • 17 June 2022
  • 8 replies

Need help troubleshooting a rule error message: Custom field contains Invalid value {null} for EMAIL data type.

I have a number of email addresses being failed for this error and i dont know why.

I would check to make sure the Sender Email address is populated for all records. The program will validate both recipient and sender email addresses

I’m running into this now with one of my programs. I changed the underlying fields in the data design pretty drastically, I need to be able to remap my attributes but I can’t, because I can’t sync because of this error. 


I’m going to try and rebuild from scratch.

I faced the same issue. In my data set, at the end of the email, there was a space, and some of them had a comma or a semi-colon at the end.


Removing all this unwanted info will resolve the issue.


@Scotty at Calendly hope this helps.

Hi @EmmettN 

I am facing the same issue. Did it get resolved by creating a program from scratch?

I am running into this same issue.  Can someone please direct me on how to correct This? The above comments do not make sense to me. Sorry

@Ginanash99 If anyone you’re sending a JO email to is ever null, I believe you’ll receive this error every time. My understanding is that if the recipient email address and/or CC(s) are null, Gainsight doesn’t know who to send the email to, so it fails the participant(s) with that error.

To fix this, I always ensure I have a case expression set up for each of my sending fields to ensure that it should never be null. That way, the email should almost always send (unless, of course, a different error pops up).

Example: If my recipient email address is sending to the CSM on an account, I set up a case expression in a transform step like so:

CASE when CSM is null, then Consultant

CASE when CSM is null and Consultant is null, then CUSTOM

Default to CSM.


Hope this helps!

@kstim thanks for the info above! For the solution you recommended above of setting up a case expression so the CC value is never null, do you know if this would work if the CC field is configured under the Standard Field Mapping (vs Custom Field Mapping) in the JO? Note I am not using the new version of JO

@gsanchez You’re welcome! It should work the same, as long as you have it mapped! Also just a note that I believe the data type of the case expression should be of the email data type in order for it to appear as an option when you go to add it in the CC field.
