New Enhancements in Cockpit as part of Gainsight 6.22 NXT release

  • 22 February 2021
  • 6 replies


The following are the three new enhancements as part of Gainsight NXT 6.22 release in Cockpit:

  1. Increased limit of CTA Types: Admins can now create up to 50 custom CTA Types per entity. At GLOBAL level, admins can add 45 CTA Types, apart from the five pre-configured Gainsight CTA Types. Admins can also view the count of active and inactive CTA Types. Previously, a maximum of 20 custom CTA Types was allowed by Gainsight.
  2. Ability to Create CTAs only if the Previous is Closed from Rules Engine: 

    In the Create CTA Rule Action Type, Gainsight has now made an enhancement to avoid triggering of CTAs based on the same event.

    In the Rules Engine > Create Rule > Setup Action > Call to Action 2.0 action type, when the admin selected “Create CTA once in” X days checkbox, the system triggered CTAs after X+1 days irrespective of the previously triggered CTA’s status (open/closed) due to which the CSM’s Cockpit page was piled up with several CTAs based on the same event.

    To overcome this situation, admins can now select the “Do not create the CTA if the previously created is not closed” checkbox to avoid triggering of CTAs based on the same event.

  3. CTA No Longer Appears in ‘MY CTAs’ View When the Task Owner Closes the Assigned Task in the Same CTA: When a user is not the owner of the CTA but has closed the assigned task in that CTA, then the CTA no longer appears in 'My CTAs’ view of that particular user.

For more information about these enhancements, refer to the latest Release Notes 6.22 article.                            


6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@sakumar Thank you for sharing the information about cockpit. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

#3 :dancer_tone3:

End Proctoring-
Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@sai_ram or @sakumar is there any detailed information on the new reporting rollout? I asked my COM to get on the beta and was told it was too late. When might I see the upgrade? Can I request it and get it sooner?


Hi @bradley We are excited to let you know that the new Horizon Reporting and Dashboards will soon be rolled out in a phased manner to all the customers. Here is the release notes content and user guides links for more information on them. FYI @sai_ram and @naga_gonaboyina 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @bradley We are excited to let you know that the new Horizon Reporting and Dashboards will soon be rolled out in a phased manner to all the customers. Here is the release notes content and user guides links for more information on them. FYI @sai_ram and @naga_gonaboyina 

Appreciate the response @sakumar but that in no way answered my questions :grimacing:


Hi @bradley We request you to contact our Gainsight Support for better help on this.


  • United States: (888) 623-8562
  • United Kingdom: 0800 368 9171 [Please dial +44 (800) 368 9171 if you are trying to reach us from outside the UK]

Phone support is available:

  • Monday through Friday
    • 7am - 7pm CST (excluding US holidays)
    • 7am - 7pm BST (excluding UK Holidays)

Or you can raise a Support ticket for your queries related to Gainsight. For more information on how to create a ticket, refer to this article.

