
New release - won't be pushing until CTAs layout defaults to Timeline

Looking at the upcoming release at Test, Nick and Leslie from CA Technologies said that they won't be pushing the latest release until the behavior of every detailed CTA view opening on the Timeline tab by default, specifically as the team isn't using Timeline right now and it's going to add a lot of clicks for the CSMs

Best answer by nitisha_rathi 12 May 2017, 07:31

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8 replies means every time I want to look at a CTA or a task, then I have to click on the correct tab within the detail window - it's completely unusable as it would mean hundreds of extra clicks every day - every single one to get rid of a blank screen we dont want to see.

I like the Timeline concept, but it should be an add-on, not the main focus.
Userlevel 5

We are changing the default tab back to 'Call To Action' in the upcoming patch, it will be available before May 23. 


Thanks - great news!
Will we have the ability to take Timeline off the CTA layout? As I have customers who don't use Timeline and don't want their team to see this on the layout.

Userlevel 5
Hi Jaclyn,

Timeline can be disabled from CTA detail view by raising a tech ops request, we will provide a UI for it soon.


HI Nitisha has the patch gone through where we can default to Call to action instead of timeline in the CTA detail? 
Userlevel 5
Hi Martha,

Yes, this is available. Is CTA tab not opening as the default tab in your org?
Hi Nitisha, we are in the process of scheduling the patch release so I think this will fix the issue!
