I have a couple questions around Gainsights Surveys functionality, would appreciate if people could shed some light on:
- When sending a survey via Gainsight, does it automatically know the account involved based on contact details and can you then filter and analyse results based on any account fields? (region, or business type for example)
- Can Survey results be used to determine part of the health calculation?
- Can performance feedback related questions (rate this training) be related to a particular Gainsight user (one of our trainers) and a report be built to show feedback on a trainer by trainer basis?
- Do you have to use Journey Orchestrator to send out a survey that is triggered by a certain days after a client goes live? And to automate that a follow up email is sent to those that don't respond?
- If Journey Orchestrator does need to be used for this, are the analytics for the survey as comprehensive as if it is sent via Surveys? Can the results still be displayed in the Surveys section of the C360?
- Our initial survey would be quite comprehensive and some of our teams only need to know about certain responses. Can we send notification emails that only inclue results that pertain to them? (they use trello and apparently full results will interfere with their process)
- For the Gainsight team - are there any plans to include other field types in Surveys? We ask our customers to upload photos, logo files, in our questionnaire and would very helpful to have an upload field type