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Hi All,

My team is preparing to launch an NPS survey.

The participants list we’re using is from our Marketing team (using Marketo, if that matters).  This list includes opt-outs that are not Gainsight related - they opted out of various marketing emails that may have been sent by the company. These customers have never had the chance to participate in any of our Customer Success surveys.

Does anyone know of a way we might be able to opt them back in for this type of thing, so that we might give them a chance to respond to us?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Hi @dcassidy 

That's one you need to discuss with your legal team.

A NPS Survey I would say is in your legitimate interest to perform as it's not marketing at all but does serve your interest as a supplier. It ultimately also does serve the respondent’s or recipient’s interest (sharing feedback).

It's likely the marketing opt-out didn't cover this (NPS Survey) as a category and I'd say you could send it anyway, basing it on legitimate interest, while offering the option for those customers to opt-out from "Surveys" or "NPS Surveys" with a GS opt-out category. I would not recommend doing it without an opt-out option. 

But again - one you need to check and agree upon with your legal team. Not a CSOps decision 🙂

Hope this helps!


Thank you, that’s helpful :)

I agree with @alizee. Most places I’ve encountered will make efforts to unify their opt-out lists. Opt-out categorization is helpful but it may not be an option on all email automation platform. I will also add that we use in-product NPS which doesn’t have to consider to opt-outs since the delivery is not email and therefore not subject to anti-spam and privacy laws. We do consider customer wishes though if they ask to not have in-app messaging to their users.
