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Good Morning-


I’m attempting to build out some reports for some dashboards

and am running into an issue with Lifecycle Stages.


The MDA Object that I’m building my report off of is titled

“Social Recruiting Scorecard Scorecard Fact”


The filter I’m attempting to use is Relationship

ID::Lookup(Relationship) – Stages


The big issue I’m having is that the Stages that were

originally built during our integration (maybe they’re Gainsight defaults) are:


New Customer



Mature Customer

Champion Customer

At Risk

Former Customer


Our current Lifecycle Stages are:


New Customer



Expansion Evaluation


Retention Roadmap



I looked at the Relationship MDA Object and confirmed that

the field “Stages” is present”


I then went to Gainsight Connect and the Relationship area

and re-mapped as follows:


Started with (original mapping):


GS Relationship::Stages    

Picklist  -->Relationship::Stages




Account::Lifecycle Stage    

Picklist   --> Relationshiop::Stages


Account::Lifecycle Stage is automatically updated (via the rules engine) to the

correct Lifecycle Stage for our clients, matching our current Lifecycle Stages

as listed above.


When I update this and re-import the data, our Current

Lifecycle Stages won’t write to Relationship::Stages


Is this because our current Lifecycle Stages do not match

the named stages under the Relationship object picklist?


How would I go about updating the named stages under the

Relationship Object picklist?




Hi Jim,

Relationship::Stages sounds like a custom dropdown list field, which would mean that its dropdown list category would also be custom. To update the field with different items, you need to first make sure that those items exist within the category.


Here are some steps that could help you out:

1. Go into the Relationship object and open the edit window for the "Stages" dropdown list field (The Pencil icon under the Actions column). Here you should be able to see the category of the field.  

2. Navigate to Administration > Data Management > Dropdown Lists and look for the category. Gainsight also ships a standard Customer Stage category but this wouldn't be the one used in your "Stages" field since it's a custom field.

3.  Click the category name and you'll be able to see the list of items. You can now edit the names of existing items or add new items. 

4. You'll now have to rerun Gainsight Connect for the values to be updated. Remember to use the "Import From Date" option in Gainsight Connect, this will update all your historical data. By default, Gainsight Connect only syncs records that have been updated since the last sync.

Note that the item names in Salesforce and Gainsight would have to be identical for this to work.

I hope I understood your issue correctly and that these steps help! Do reply if that's not the case or you need further clarification.


Thanks Kunal.  I've updated the names in the dropdowns and re-ran Connect, but the data isn't populating.

I'll double-check in the AM.

