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Is anybody able to share ideas on how they created Reports showing Renewal Rates for different time periods? And those Renewal Rates would change if i filter on Q1 Renewals, or Q1 + Q2, or Q4 Renewals, or 2016 Renewal Rates? 

I've been creating rules to count the number of Renewal Opps, then load those numbers into an MDA calculated field, & calculate the Renewal Rate in Percentages. But I also want to be able to show Renewal Rates if i were to filter on Renewals that Closed in Q1 or Q2, or closed in 2016 or 2017.
<cough> Sorry, can't help the self-promotion

One thing I've learned from helping customers with this: don't beat yerself up, it's [i]hard math. You might be able to steal a technique from NPS-land -- see the comments on Scott Morris' comment here. If each Opp had a score of "1" (won) or "0" (lost), then averaging that field could give you a highly flexible way of reporting on the win rate of your renewals. Not exactly the same as renewal rate, which can be calculated in more complex ways like in our product, but it's somethin'.
For the calculated fields, like ratios, to respond to filters,  on the fly formula evaluation should happen in reporting. Formula fields in Reporting is on our roadmap, though ETA is not known yet. Will update here at right time.
