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I think we used to be able to report on and see on a CTA the name of the actual CTA from the Rules Engine and not just the Subject.  Right now all I can get is the Subject but we run monthly reports on CTA usage grouped by CTA name and the subject just muddies the water since we are dynamically bringing in different fields such as account name. 

How do I run a report of the CTA Name eg "CTA: New Opportunity" as well as the CTA subject "CTA: New Opportunity for Pizza Hut"?

Is this a recent change?

I believe that "New Opportunity" would be the reason vs subject.  We also do reports on CTAs but that is based on Type so I haven't seen this issue.
There is only one Name field at the CTA level. You are most likely seeing variations now because you are tokenizing the name when creating CTAs.

There are two ways around this that I can think of:

  1. Revisit why you are adding certain tokens. For example, I'm not sure what value there is in having the Account Name in the CTA Name.

  2. As Allastair mentioned, use Reasons or some other attribute to capture the grouping you need.
