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[i](Reported by the one of the customer)

Is there a way to increase and optimize the speed at which things load in our Gainsight environment other than clearing cache and cookies? 
I would also be interested in hearing any recommendations.
I am very interested in hearing recommendations or having refresh and load times improvements prioritized on the product roadmap.
Hey, In which area of the product you are seeing the performances issues?
For me at least is loading of C360 or R360... some customers have already complained that it seems slow. Do you guys have a basic guidelines on what can be considered normal time to load content? We disables the scrolling feature as that seemed to help a bit but still it considered to be slow.
C360, R360, and the Dashboards. Dashboards are one of the slowest areas for us and this is also when we have only one tabular report in the Dashboard
I would also like recommendations on this. I am experiencing slow load times in dashboards as well as the customer search bar.
Seems small in issue when thinking of load time, but given how much we want to leverage the tool...that adds up. Especially given waiting for information and the data we see brings inaccurate. 

Please share if there are instruction that could improve the load time. Thanks.
As with most web based content, keep in mind that the data that you are trying to show (and therefore request from the web server and database backend) will determine your load time in part, as well as your network speed and latency. 

A couple of tips: on Dashboards - remember that each report you add to a dashboard must be rendered in real time, which means queries to databases and then calculated aggregations and groupings (based on what reports you have added to the dashboard). If some dashboards are speedy and some are slower, then look at the reports and size of data window (like date range) that you are pulling in the reports and optimize accordingly.

On C/R360 pages - having more sections will slow down load time (for similar reasons as listed above - there's more data to retrieve, compute and send over). One tip to speed up these pages is to disable the scroll feature and just click on the section you need. With Scroll enabled, the entire page with all sections will load, but with scroll disabled, only the sections you navigate to will load, which saves a lot of time.
