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Can someone clarify for me what the Due Date field on the Setup Action, Call to Action Type screen actually means?

The documentation states the following, but it's not exactly clear

  • Due Date: Enter the number of days after the rule runs to set a due date

Does this mean the CTA will not have a Due Date assigned until X days after the rule runs and triggers an action?  A) that doesn't really make sense, but that's how the above reads  B) I haven't noticed that to be the case when we have CTAs triggered.

Would appreciate some clarification.
Hi Jeff,

That due date tells the CSM when they should complete the task/CTA by, just like tasks in Salesforce.

So the CTA will fire on the date you run the rule but you can give your CSM extra time to take action on the CTA.

I hope that helps.

Ok yes that is what I thought - but then I was confused looking at some of the rules Gainsight set up for us and the Due Date was set to Run Date + 5 days, but the Playbook tasks had Assign Date + 10 days.  

Does the Due Date set by the Setup Action supercede whatever is set on the Playbook?

So if my playbook has a task that says it is due 10 days after assign date, but the CTA Due Date on is set to be Run Date + 5 - which wins?

I could try to test it out, but hoping someone might know and save me the time. 

Incidentally - this is my first time writing rules from scratch since our Gainsight implementation ended, so apologies if I sound like a moron with the basic-sounding questions.  :)
It's all confusing - CTA Due Dates, Playbook Due Dates, Work Days vs. Calendars Days. It takes awhile to get your head around it all.

I haven't done an absolute test, but my understanding is for a CTA with a playbook, the CTA due date defaults to the due date of the last task in the playbook. I've tried to align the due date setting of CTAs with the associated playbook to avoid confusion.

There is an Idea for an option to set the due date CTAs to the next due task:

CTA Due Date should reflect due date of next open Task in Playbook
Hi Jeff - In your example, the Playbook due date will win and the CTA Due Date will be the due date of the last task in the playbook. In general, the furthest date on either the CTA or Playbook task will be the CTA due date.
