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I've been chatting with a customer in regards to the UI in the Set Score 2.0 action of a rule.

What we've noticed is that when you select the measure, and then select the scorecard that you want to write to (when you have multiple scorecards), the scoring UI shows the name of the scorecard instead of showing the name of the measure. (screenshot attached).

It's our thought that this should show the measure name instead of the scorecard name.  This could confuse a user and lead them to believe that the score is being written to the scorecard as a whole instead of the individual metric.

A little extra context here. When setting the score via a rule for Scorecards 1.0, it tells you the metric you are setting for the score. Here the confusion is, I don't want the entire Scorecard score to be set by one metric which is what the UI seems to be telling us it is doing. If their average chat NPS is a 10 but they have other churn measures that are red, then their Churn Risk scorecard should not be green.

A measure can be part of multiple scorecards. So , when you set a score for a measure , you can choose the scorecards for which you would like to set the score to as part of the action.

1. For example , you can see that there is a measure "Growth" which is used in three scorecards and the admin chooses two of the scorecards for which the score is to be set - New Customer Scorecard and Scorecard - Kicked off and Adopted

2.  In the UI below , you see two values - one for each scorecard as chosen in the step above

In the example below

-  Growth measure for New Customer Scorecard is set to Green

-  Growth measure used in Scorecard - Kicked Off is set to Red

for the same action criteria. This is helpful in case of multiple scorecards where the measures are common but the scores are set differently for the same action criteria.

Please note that the scorecard name in the UI here does not mean the scorecard overall score is set to the value. The scorecard name is to help differentiate the scorecard for which the measure score is being set.The set score action is for the measure and the scorecard combination.

Hope this helps.


Abhishek S
