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I am wondering if there is a way to include specific questions in a survey based on SFDC fields.  I know that survey questions can be dynamic based on responses to previous questions, but can they be dynamic based on SFDC fields?

My use case is that we are launching our first CSAT surveys.  If the account was recently onboarded (which is tracked by a SFDC field), we want to include a few questions specifically about their onboarding experience.  The reason I am hoping to show these questions as part of the same CSAT survey instead of creating a unique onboarding survey is so that we can easily compare CSAT responses for the same account over time, stored in the same object and not have onboarding responses stored separetely.

^Understanding this use case, if there is a better approach than wanting to customize the same survey, or if having responses in separate objects really isn't that big of a deal, I'm all ears.  This is our first undertaking in Gainsight surveys as we collect NPS and other surveys directly in our product.
Another use case: we will probably want to tailor the questions based on the value and segment of the account as we have different expectations for the involvement of CSMs.  I would prefer not to create separate "high value CSAT survey", "low value CSAT survey" etc.
HI Mindy,

Thanks for sharing this use case. We do have this in the roadmap. The timeline for this is not decided yet.


Abhishek S
Well, thanks for the confirmation that I'm not missing something already available, Abhishek. Hoping it is something that will be available soon as it would really simplify our survey process. What I am imagining is something in the vein of the CoPilot template variants that would allow you to send the same survey but with a few different questions based on the variant.
