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Statuses in Email Logs

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 550 replies
When an Email Logs record says Delayed = 1, what does that indicate? That the email was sent, but delayed on the Gainsight side for some unspecified reason? Or is it referring to those bounce-backs you sometimes get that say that the email couldn't be delivered by the server will keep trying?

I think I have a fairly good understanding of what email behavior would populate the fields for Unsubscribed, Marked Spam, Rejected, and Hard Bounced. Although I'm not entirely sure about the difference between the last two, so some documentation about all of these fields would be grand 🙂

Best answer by dan_ahrens

Hi Kelly,

It's probably best to engage with Gainsight support on that specific scenario so they can look at the logs on the backend to see what happened with that recipient. Based on that screenshot, it does not look like the recipeint address should have been rejected on the second pass, but the logs might have other details that will explain the process flow.

For the benefit of the community here are the definitions of the various statuses:

Sent: The number of emails sent by you.

Opened: The number of customers/contacts who opened your email.

Clicked: The number of customers/contacts who clicked the link present in your email. (Only the links within the email have the tracking capability (excluding the opt-out link). Opening attachments does not count toward clicks.)

Hard Bounced: The number of emails where the address is invalid / deleted / inactivated / etc.

Soft Bounced: The number of emails bounced because the recipient's inbox is full, or the exchange server is not accepting any more email due to various other reasons.*

Rejected: The email address already had a bounce. So the Email service provider is not attempting to send the email.

Delayed: The email is temporarily unable to be delivered due to a temporary glitch. This glitch could be reaching the hourly limit of emails to that domain, or something similar. This state may last for a max of 72 hours and after that the email will be marked as bounced.

Marked As Spam: The number of emails marked as spam by customers/contacts.

Unsubscribed: The number of customers who unsubscribed to your outreach. Journey Orchestrator will check to see if a contact has unsubscribed during the execution of an Outreach. For this reason, unsubscribed contacts can still appear in Power Lists, though they will not receive the email.

Note: Admins can build custom reports on Journey Orchestrator emails in the Report Builder, using the Email Logs object in MDA.

*If you are using SendGrid to send emails, it will keep trying to deliver email for 48 hours, before it reports it as a hard-bounce. Therefore, there are no soft bounces with SendGrid.

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8 replies

  • Expert ⭐️
  • 534 replies
  • January 5, 2017
Rejected - The email address already had a bounce. So the Email service provider is not even attempting to send the email.
Delayed - Unable to deliver due to some temporary glitch, could be the hourly limit of emails to that domain reached or something similar. This state may be there for a max of 72 hours and after that the email will be marked as bounced.

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 1447 replies
  • January 6, 2017
Hi Seth, I added rejected and delayed definitions to this article, which contains explanations for other email statuses too.

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 550 replies
  • January 6, 2017
Glorious, thank you, Lila

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 67 replies
  • June 26, 2017
Hey @Lila -- I don't see a definition in the article you linked to re: rejected. 

I also have some confusion on skipped and how hardbounces + rejected plays into that. 

If I look at Execution History in CoPilot > Outreaches -- here is what I would love to see: 

Target: # of contacts in power-list

Skipped: # of contacts previously hard-bounced, previously rejected, already in send, already sent mail in past 90days that copilot is skipping (I would love to be able to report on all of eahc of these categories as well)

Sent: # of target contacts minus # of skipped contacts 

Delivered: (# of Sent minus # Hard Bounces minus # Soft Bounces) (potentially minus of # of rejected depending on the definition)
-- Delivery Rate (# of Delivered / # of Sent)

# Hard Bounce
-- Hard Bounce Rate (# of Hard Bounces / # of Delivered)

# Unique Open
-- Open Rate (# unique opens / # delivered)

# Unique Click
-- Click Rate (# unique clicks / # delivered)

Click to Open Rate ( # unique clicks / # unique opens)

# Marked as Spam
-- Spam Rate (# spam / # delivered)

# Unsubscribed
-- Unsubscribed Rate(# unsub / # delivered)
**Note: Many of these metrics I can get the data for from the Email Logs object. The challenge is that is requires multiple steps to get the complete view. Skipped + their respective categories are a pain to get to -- they aren't available in email logs. Delivered is required to calculate many of the rate based metrics.

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 1447 replies
  • June 26, 2017
Thanks for the head's up, Nora. I'm looking into this, but I suspect some content was lost or is in another article...

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 1447 replies
  • June 26, 2017
Customer shared a product enhancement suggestion on a question post. Moving for visibility.

Please reference the new conversation here: CoPilot Outreaches > Execution History - want add'l stats

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 311 replies
  • April 4, 2019
Can Gainsight reconfirm that this explanation is accurate?

I have a program with 3 emails. A contact received email 1 and is marked as rejected with email 2.

They are not marked as a bounce for email 1 and this is the first program any contact in our system would receive, so they didn't bounce from any other program prior to this one.

  • Expert ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 1984 replies
  • Answer
  • April 8, 2019
Hi Kelly,

It's probably best to engage with Gainsight support on that specific scenario so they can look at the logs on the backend to see what happened with that recipient. Based on that screenshot, it does not look like the recipeint address should have been rejected on the second pass, but the logs might have other details that will explain the process flow.

For the benefit of the community here are the definitions of the various statuses:

Sent: The number of emails sent by you.

Opened: The number of customers/contacts who opened your email.

Clicked: The number of customers/contacts who clicked the link present in your email. (Only the links within the email have the tracking capability (excluding the opt-out link). Opening attachments does not count toward clicks.)

Hard Bounced: The number of emails where the address is invalid / deleted / inactivated / etc.

Soft Bounced: The number of emails bounced because the recipient's inbox is full, or the exchange server is not accepting any more email due to various other reasons.*

Rejected: The email address already had a bounce. So the Email service provider is not attempting to send the email.

Delayed: The email is temporarily unable to be delivered due to a temporary glitch. This glitch could be reaching the hourly limit of emails to that domain, or something similar. This state may last for a max of 72 hours and after that the email will be marked as bounced.

Marked As Spam: The number of emails marked as spam by customers/contacts.

Unsubscribed: The number of customers who unsubscribed to your outreach. Journey Orchestrator will check to see if a contact has unsubscribed during the execution of an Outreach. For this reason, unsubscribed contacts can still appear in Power Lists, though they will not receive the email.

Note: Admins can build custom reports on Journey Orchestrator emails in the Report Builder, using the Email Logs object in MDA.

*If you are using SendGrid to send emails, it will keep trying to deliver email for 48 hours, before it reports it as a hard-bounce. Therefore, there are no soft bounces with SendGrid.

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