
Subscription ID when syncing to SFDC Activity

  • 31 October 2017
  • 3 replies

Our CSMs are logging activities on the Relationship 360 timeline, which links to our Subscriptions in SFDC. While we are able to see the activities on the Account level, we also want to be able to sync the activities back to the subscription, as an account can have more than one. This is not currently a functionality, but we'd like to add the ability to add this field when syncing a relationship timeline activity. 

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Hi Diana,

Would you like to sync the subscriptionID in RelatedTo field of SF task or would it be okay to sync subscriptionID in any custom field?


@Nitisha - we have a custom field we'd like to sync it back to, but there was no way to adjust the field mapping area.  We also looked at the salesforce fields and it doesn't appear that the relationship ID is actually available on the gainsight tasks table.

In our case we prefer not to use the related to.
Userlevel 5

You can use bionic rules to solve this problem. 

Step 1. Merge the 'Activity Timeline' object with 'Relationship' object. In the Relationship object, you will have the subscription ID and in 'Activity Timeline' object you will have all notes & activity related field

Step 2: Use acti and load to 'SF Task' object

Step 3: Map the SF task custom field with 'Subscription ID'

Step 4: Map the below three 'Activity Timeline' fields and make all of these identifiers (to make sure SF task is updated with correct data)

  • 'Activity Timeline' > Subject with SF Task > Subject
  • 'Activity Timeline' > Activity Date with SF Task > Due Date
  • 'Activity Timeline' > Created By with SF Task > Created By
Please let us know if this solved your problem.


