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Our features were set up a while ago and haven't been kept up to date. I want to delete them all and start over. However, when I go to delete them, I get the error message "This Feature is in Use and Cannot Be Deleted Currently". I disabled them from my C360 pages and deleted all the rules I knew of that used them, but I'm still getting the error. 

Does anyone know if I can see where the features are being used or have any other solution to this problem?
I am not sure that I quite follow -- what feature are you trying to remove?

May be best to file a support case on this.  
Sorry. I see why what I wrote could be confusing. I'm talking about the Product Features feature... It shows which features a customer has enabled on the C360 page.
Got it.  I am not sure why you are seeing that message.  As mentioned, probably a support case is a good idea. 
Hi Dallis, I recently started going through all of the pending posts.Was checking to see of this has been answered. 

If it is not resolved, could you please post a screen-shot for better understanding .
