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My "Renewals" Dashboard has 3 reports, yet the Global Filters section

is only displaying 2 reports.

2 of my reports are off the Account object. 

1 report is off the Customer info object.


Should the Global Filters screen display all reports that

will be affected by this filter?

Should the “object” pick list display both “Account” and “Customer

Info” objects?

Hi Johnny,

Global filters screen is supposed to show all the reports on the dashboard and the object except UI Views. Object Picklist is supposed to show all the objects the reports on the dashboard are built off.

If you are seeing any issue, could you try to recreate the filter and let us know how it goes ?


Hi Johnny, The dashboard "Customers - Cloud Cust - Renewal Stage" you have added might be a UI-View or standardViews.

We have limitation here,Dashboard filters cannot be applied to standardViews or UIViews.
Thanks Sam and Venkat! Yes, i can confirm the "Customer - Cloud Cust - Renewal Stage" report is a UI-View and, therefore, won't show up.
