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Why are my end users getting pop-up invitations to webinars of which I as the admin am not being made aware?



I saw that too!! and while I like the idea of them getting pumped, we’re in the early stages of re-adopting after a good couple stale years. So as the singular GS Resource, I’m getting slammed with asks. 

Let me get the attention of teams on this UX.

Digging a bit, the webinar was published in the Meetings and Office Hours area first 


Hi All,

I wanted to follow up on the communications so far.  On behalf of Gainsight, we very much appreciate the question and detailed feedback shared.


We are working internally on an improved approach and criteria/guidelines for in-app messages.  Looking forward to sharing more later in the quarter and understanding how it resonates (or not).


Thank you!



Cut it out Gainsight!



Hi Jeff, I responded on the main thread. 


Im also cross posting out updated End-User In-App Policy:

  • Announcements will show once to users 
  • Types of announcements that will show to all users:
    • Net new functionality
    • Company acquisitions
    • Pulse date announcements
  • For features that have an additional fee, we will note the potential cost and any free trial information
