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Weird issue with Milestone rule

  • 15 September 2023
  • 4 replies

I have created a rule that checks when 2 specific CTA’s have been closed. There are 2 actions in the rule both create milestones of the same type but for different reasons. For some reason the first action works fine, it creates the timeline entry and also appears in the customer journey widget. The second action also appears to work and can be observed to work in the execution logs, however no timeline entry is created and it does not appear on the customer journey widget either. Has anyone else had this problem? Any advice would be appreciated!

You can only create one milestone per a type per a 360 a day.


So, what is happening, most likely, is your first action is creating it and your second one is updating the same one.

You can only create one milestone per a type per a 360 a day.


So, what is happening, most likely, is your first action is creating it and your second one is updating the same one.

I knew there was a simple explanation for it, but I could not figure it out at all. Thank you!!



are there plans to change this, its not unfeasible to have more than 1 milestone be identified/achieved in a day. ​​​​

Hi @Daryl Portch , This is designed to support 1 milestone creation (via rules engine) per type , per day for an account with the assumption that we would not have more than 1 milestone of the same type occur more than once for an account on the same day (activity date assigned via rule). Currently we do not have any plans to make changes to this . Can you help us with your exact use case so we can better understand the need to update this behavior?
