Guide to the Q&A Dashboard

  • 30 November 2022
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 2

This is not the latest KB article about Q&A Dashboard.  To read the latest version please visit: Guide to the enhanced Q&A Dashboard

The updated Q&A Dashboard, formally known as the Success Dashboard, now focuses solely on Community Q&A. This ensures that the most relevant Q&A metrics are surfaced in the same dashboard providing a clear picture of community Q&A engagement. 


With this dashboard, you can see the number of questions asked and answered, as well as high-level metrics including average response time. Leverage filtering capabilities to hone in on specific datasets based on user role.



Let’s dive into how each metric shown on the Q&A  Dashboard behaves. First, there are a few basic principles to keep in mind:

  • In general, the dashboards reflect the current state of the community, rather than ‘what happened at the time.’

  • That means that current & historical data will change to reflect the current state after you carry out moderation actions like trashing a topic, moving a reply, or changing the category of a topic.


Q&A Dashboard Metrics:

There are 4 metrics included on the Q&A Dashboard. These metrics are split by: 

  • # All: The user role filters do not apply.

  • # based on filtered role: The user role filters apply to the author of the question or/and the author of the best answer



Metric Description Extra Details
# Questions asked The number of questions asked in the selected time period

Questions asked based on filtered role: only user role question filter is applied

Excludes spam/trashed/deleted questions.

# Questions answered The number of questions asked in the selected time period that also have an answer marked

Questions answered based on filtered role: both user role question filter and user role answer are applied

Excludes spam/trashed/deleted questions. Unmarking the answer to a question will decrease the count.

Note: the answer to a question does not have to have been marked as the best answer in the selected time period.

% Questions answered The % of questions created in the selected time period with an answer marked.

Calculation: (All Questions answered divided by all Questions asked* 100).

Calculation: (Questions answered by selected user roles question and selected user roles answer divided by Questions asked by selected user roles question* 100).

Average response time The average amount of time between the creation of a question and the answer being marked.

Only includes questions created in the selected time period.

Answers marked after the selected time period still count toward the calculation of the average response time.

Excludes spam/trashed/deleted questions. Unmarking the answer to a question will decrease the count.

Answers from the original topic author are counted as a response.


Q&A Dashboard Filtering Capabilities:

All KPIs can be filtered using the following filters:

  • Date - this allows you to filter by date to only show data from a selected  time range

    Note: to apply custom range, type your dates in the textbox and confirm by hitting the ENTER key before clicking the Apply button.

  • Published In - this allows you to filter by content categories

  • User role question - this allows you to filter questions asked in your Q&A module by user roles. This provides the ability to apply filters to the authors of the questions.

  • User role answer - this allows you to filter answers given in your Q&A module by user roles. This provides the ability to apply filters to the authors of the answers


Each of the user role filters includes two separate filters on the Primary role and on the Custom role with the AND logic between them applied.


This means that if you don't select  a Primary role and you choose one custom role, you will only see results for users who have this one selected role assigned. f you choose one Primary role and one custom role, you will see results for users who have the selected Primary role AND the selected Custom role assigned.



If you select multiple custom roles, an OR logic will be applied. For example, if you do not select a Primary role and choose three custom roles, you will see results for users who have at least one of these three roles assigned. If you chose one Primary role and two custom roles, you will see results for those users who have the selected Primary role assigned AND at least one of the two custom roles.


This added level of filtering capabilities allows users to take a more granular look at their data. For example,  you can now see how many particular users answered a question asked by specified group. To accomplish this, you would use both the User role answer filter and the User role question filter at the same time. If instead, you want to look at authors of a question without excluding any authors of the answers, you should only use the User role question filter. If you only want to see answers given by users with selected roles, to all questions asked, you should only  use the User role answer filter.


Please note that % answered by peer KPI in Success Dashboard was a different KPI from % Question answered based on filtered role.


% answered by peer ( KPI from previous Success Dashboard)

  1. Referred only to questions asked in the selected time period

  2. Considered only answers marked in the selected time period

  3. Showed the result of the formula: questions answered by users with roles: Registered Users and Super Users divided by all questions answered

 % Question answered based on filtered role (KPI new Q&A Dashboard)

  1. Refers only to questions asked in the selected time period

  2. Considers all answers whenever they were marked ( for example answers marked in march to the question asked in January will be counted toward January result)

  3. Shows the result of the formula: questions answered (based on filtered role) divided by questions asked (based on filtered role)

If you have any questions about the functionality of the new Q&A Dashboard, please leave a comment below.

4 replies

Looks good!

Wish you could click on any of the boxes and would redirect you to a list view for drill down :) 

Disappointed that %answered by peer went away. 

Userlevel 2

Hi @mbonnell,

We don't like to disappoint our users 🙂 so I can promise you will have it back very soon and even more powerful. 

Userlevel 2

As promised, we just launched the new version of the Q&A Dashboard. There is also a new Knowledge Base article describing it in detail. Please check the Guide to the enhanced Q&A Dashboard
