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Numbering for the datasets and actions in horizon rules

Related products:CS Rules Engine

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 8 replies

Hi Team,


Currently, we do not have any indexing number on the datasets or actions in horizon rules, which would help us understand which dataset was created/will run first during execution. It would be great if we could include the numbering for the number of datasets created in the rule setup and in the actions part as well.

13 replies

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 22 replies
  • April 27, 2023

Thanks Kiran for adding the post after our converstaion.

It is not obvious to have an excecution order of actions by the initial creation of dataset tasks. If we rearrange task to have a better visualiszation no one will remember the initial order afterwards.

So, please help us to check the excecution order more easily and also with an option to adjust this order. Here would be an example how it could look like.




  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 71 replies
  • April 28, 2023

Thanks @kdamera for this feedback, we have noted this input and will keep you posted once we make progress on it.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 144 replies
  • April 28, 2023

@christian_auner @kdamera is the execution order not shown in the execution logs?  This is similar to the execution history in a DD program.

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 651 replies
  • April 28, 2023

This is a great suggestion, @kdamera.

For my own thought processes, and for getting help from other admins or Gainsight Support, I’ve found that a “wayfinding” system of identifiers always brings clarity and speeds communications. 

In the Bionic Rules Engine, I’ve always pre-fixed my Task names with letters, specifically for my own clarity in rule building, and so if I needed to engage Support I could say, “I’m having difficulty at Task C”. Folks who have worked in environments with or after me have certainly bumped into my convention.

  • A Fetch Company Records
  • B Filter for Active Companies
  • C Fetch Usage Data
  • D Merge Company and Usage
  • E Transform Usage Data

So...having this for Rule Actions would also be a great enhancement.

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 71 replies
  • May 19, 2023
No StatusAcknowledged

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 22 replies
  • August 25, 2023

Hey @Stuart,

the order is shown in the execution log yes, but there is no chance or option to adjust this. The order of actions is predefined with the order you add dataset tasks in the data setup.

It would be important to know and to adjust the action order before executing a rule.


Hope that helps to clarify.



  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 354 replies
  • August 30, 2023

Agreed - just sharing my commentary as well in support of this feature request. Our use case is to load values to a flattened object in order to generate a multi-select picklist value for a Company record. We need a “clearing” action to occur first before the “loading” action occurs (null all values first in order to ensure any values that have expired are removed). In HRE, there’s no confidence that the configuration of the rule will ensure the nulling action occurs first. In order to be extra sure, we are splitting the rules out and putting them into a dependent rule chain. But it would be nice if we could order these actions directly in the rule to consolidate our rules.

  • Lets put your data to work!
  • 835 replies
  • September 8, 2023

Hi Sarah and Chritian,

We are building this capability to define action order execution in a Horizon Rule. Currently its implicit, i.e. its in the order of creation, we will add the ability to reorder as well. I can update this thread & our other threads as we come close to shipping this out.

Meanwhile, you can have a look below and share if its anything but perfect,


  • Lets put your data to work!
  • 835 replies
  • September 8, 2023

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 22 replies
  • October 20, 2023

Hey @rakesh,

thanks for sharing this update.

The solution you’re showing is promising and we’re looking forward to the implementation. Will the action numbering also be shown in the Action Setup overview?






  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 13 replies
  • November 21, 2023

Not being able to control the order of the rule execution make any adjustments to the rule extremely cumbersome.  Many of our more complex rules have to run in a specific order or the logic won’t work, and they often need to be adjust due to new data/ conditions that need to be met.  Also, during rule development and testing, I often need to add additional rules, etc.  We need to be able to control the order of the rule as we could - we are missing parity with Bionic Rules.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 22 replies
  • December 19, 2023

The ordering option for Horizon Rules was released on 15.12. you’ll find now a number at every action. If you open an action you can adjust the execution order behind the three dots on the top right.

The adjustment of the execution order could be more prominent directly in the Action Setup but the functionality is great. :)

Thanks for the implementation.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 144 replies
  • December 20, 2023
christian_auner wrote:

If you open an action you can adjust the execution order behind the three dots on the top right.

The adjustment of the execution order could be more prominent directly in the Action Setup but the functionality is great. :)

Thanks for the implementation.


100% agree with @christian_auner feedback here.


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