Our product managers need to be able to on the front end change the status of ideas (from New to Gathering Interest, Planned for Development, Implemented and/or Parked.) Could this be possible by giving product managers a user role permission? We have 50ish product managers, and it is not fair (and we can’t) pay for admin licenses for all these Product Managers to only change product idea statuses. The lack of this functionality for Product Mangers is a true blocker for engagement in our community so it will be crucial for us to get this in place. We have very specialized product managers so it is not a solution for us to enable this functionality only for one Product Manager as he/she/hen will not be able to reply on behalf of the other Product Managers. We’ve tried to work offline in Excel for this, but taking some of the ideation work outside the tool does not work. It is also a dysfunctional process in Productboard with the limitations there.