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New Idea

Filter for relationship cards

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Would love to have a filter option in the relationship section of the C360 page. This way you could group relationships and limit your view. We have accounts with 100+ relationships and the load time can be unmanageable. 

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • April 5, 2016
Hi Marika,

We are planning to enhance our relationship section under C360 to also show as a list instead of cards with options to search on any field added to the list view. 

When you said "group relationships and limit your view", what kind of grouping are you looking at? We are thinking about grouping by relationship type by default. What grouping would be helpful to you?

We have a similar setup where some of our Customers have dozens of Relationships. Ideally, we should be able to sort the card view to show certain attributes first, for instance if there are relationships that are enabled vs. disabled - we would want the "enabled" relationships to appear first since they are active. I would like to see this without moving to a list view, as I think the cards are effective as well, but without being sortable it gets clunky.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • July 7, 2016
The way this got implemented today is absolutely not helpful.  We have 15 different relationship types for our different products, but each customer generally only has 1-3, and each customer may have different types. Now, rather than seeing at a glance which relationships a customer has, I have to click through 15 different options in order to see what they have and what they don't. There needs to be a "Show All" option. (preferably that I can set as the Default)

It would be much more helpful to have a filter based on a Relationship Status of some sort, (ie. I would love to be able to hide Churned Relationships, rather than having to just delete them) but only showing one Type at a time does not work at all.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • May 18, 2017
Wanted to bump this thread as it is still a big need for a lot of our clients.  Setting up views similar to Customer tab would be beneficial (views that exclude a Status or Type if it is no longer applicable).  Currently, Relationships is an ever-growing list, and without the ability to remove or exclude Relationships from the Card view, it becomes unmanageable.

Using the list view allows for an option, but it is not the same as the ask outlined above.

I agree with Rob. Running into this need with my current customer implementation and it would be a huge help.

I think one of the biggest use cases for filtering differently that what is there today is when an active relationship goes inactive, such as a product or divison that cancels their contract.

Today, the only easy way to get it out of the view is to delete the card, but then you lose all that history with it.  

I feel like we could definitely use a FILTER button, at the minimum, in the top corner of the section.

Cannot agree more - exactly the use case we need in our business. Our relationships may update every day/week in line with contractual changes and having Active/Inactive option & filter button would be a huge step forward 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • August 29, 2018
Exactly this! Deleting relationships really isn't the best solution– being able to add custom filters to this view would be much more helpful.


Hello Everyone!

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and included as part of the v6.12 release. It is now possible to filter for All Relationship Types in the List View of the C360 Relationship section. 

You can find the relevant information in our article

This feature is implemented only in the NXT version.

Thanks for posting!

We are planning to enhance the view in C360 > Relationships by providing a filter on Status. This is a part of near term roadmap. 

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • June 16, 2020

We have been pushing for improvements to the Relationships section of the C360 for some time. 

The most needed improvement for Relationships is for the Filters to be Sticky.

We have hundreds of Account Contacts, but only have Relationships with a few people.  So, we go to the Relationships section and configure complex filters ((A or B or C) and D)) to limit the list to the names we need to see.  Unfortunately those filters DO NOT stick, so we have to reconfigure them every time we switch accounts or refresh the page.  Please please please fix this.


Hello Everyone!

Happy to announce that your request has been considered and included as part of the v6.16 release. With this release, users have the ability to filter the C360 Relationship section based on Relationship Status; Active, Inactive, or Churn. This makes it easier for CSMs and other Users to view Relationships relevant to them.   

This feature is only implemented in the NXT version.

Thanks for posting!

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