Quick links guide your users to wherever you want them to be. Everything that has an URL can be linked to, for example: an important category, a popular article, documentation in a .pdf format...the list goes on!
You can set up as many quick links as you like, however for navigation purposes only 6 quick links are shown by default. Visitors can see all quick links by clicking the show more button.

How To Set up Quick Links on your Homepage
Activate Customization mode
Hover over the homepage and determine where you want to add quick links. Click the plus icon (
) and select the Quick links widget
Configure a widget title (optional)
Configure styling of the cards with border and border radius
Click Add quick link button to create a new quick link
Select a Visual style
Provide a title (maximum of 30 characters is allowed)
Provide a description, this is not required (maximum of 80 characters allowed)
Provide a link (must start with https://) and select if it should open in a new tab or not
Click Save changes button
Repeat step 5 - 10 until you are satisfied with the amount of quick links
Click Done
Click Publish and you’re done: your quick links will now appear on your homepage
Note: You can change the order of your quick links simply by drag & drop. Click and drag the tile you want to reorder and drop it at the right position.
Important: Links must be secured (https://)