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Get your colleagues on the community (Employee ranks & Control Environment access)

  • October 24, 2018
  • 0 replies

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies

Would you like your colleagues to be recognized as employees on the community? Would you like them to have access to the Control Environment as well? Well, you are reading the right tutorial then. :)

Note: The user has to register first before you can perform these steps!

1. Give colleagues access to the Control Environment


When you want to give someone access rights to the Control Environment, that user needs to have a special role for that. You don't want regular users to be active in the Control Environment, so this extra step is needed. The proper way is to create a custom role specifically for the user (group) and then assign it to that user. This makes it also easier for you to manage & monitor activities by that user (group).

1. Create a Custom User Role
Go to (General Settings - custom User Roles) and create a role with a name of your choice (e.g. "Marketing" or "Customer support"). Then select in the list which part of the Control Environment you want the user to be able to access:

To learn more about the settings for access rights, check out this topic for an explanation of all the different options in this page.​


2. Go to the user profile (General Settings - user Overview) Search the user who you'd like to give access. On his/her profile page, you will see the username, Email address and also two password fields:


3. Update the Control Environment Password
The two password fields are not for the Front-end of your Community, but
for the Control Environment only(this is because of optional SSO logins, so the front-end login stays the same). Enter a password of your choice in both fields, and then save the changes (bottom right of the page).

4. Update the user
Now you only need to send her/him a message with all necessary info:

  • Link to the Control Environment
  • Link to the users' profile page
  • Recommend the user to update the password, so that only she/he knows the password.
  • If a user has issues logging in, remind the user to use the Username and not the Email address

That's it! Now the user will be able to access the Control Environment.


2. Give colleagues specific ranks on your community


In order to assign someone a special rank, you will need to work with Custom User Roles again. Should you not know about Custom User Roles, please read step 1 of the tutorial for Control Environment access to learn how this needs to be done.

1. Create a Custom User Role
The name for the Custom User Role is not really important, as this will not be displayed to users. However, it might makes sense to use the same name as the rank you want to give to a user (e.g. "Company employee"). In our example, we have chosen for the role '"inSided":


(Note that we also allow these users to edit their posts without a timelimit, because we can trust them)

2. Create a special rank
After you have created that role, go to (General Settings - ranks) in your Control Environment and create a new rank. We have called the rank "inSided employee" and even added the company logo as "Rank icon" and "Username icon", so that these icons are visible on the community to other users (see below for how it will look like).
Tip:You can also add the brand color and apply other styling, should you like it!


3. Define the rank rules

  1. Put all the rules for this rank on 0. This way also new colleagues, who never posted something, will receive this special rank.*
  2. In the section where it says "How to get this rank" activate the setting "All of the following" and select your custom role from the list:


This way only users with this specific role will receive this special rank.

After you have saved the settings (and recalculated the ranking structure), your colleagues will have all the necessary icons and ranks to be identified as official employees:



:gear:Tips, Tricks & Technical Bits:

:pushpin: It actually is possible to create multiple special ranks with different rules - this way you could even create a separate ranking structure, e.g. for your super users

:envelope: To invite your team members to Control, just follow these easy steps


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