Hello! Our CSMs occasionally blast a list of their customers with an email. This is happening through Gainsight Assist and mail merge (CSV of email addresses) in Gmail. There is the option to select “log to timeline” when sending the email out of Gmail through GS Assist. Unfortunately this button logs as only one email sent and puts that email in Timeline drafts.
The other issue is that the CSM then has to go into their timeline drafts, and they are only able to associate this email with 10 different companies. Is there a way to increase the allotted number of companies they can associate the email with?
It would be ideal if a CSM could blast a list of 50 companies (50 different emails) through Gmail (mail merge and GS assist) and then have each email log individually to the correct timeline. Is this possible?
How does your company handle tracking and logging mass emails done by CSMs?
Thanks in advance!!